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Settimana 10/02/2025 - 14/02/2025
Nel link sottostante trovate la Newsletter n.3 del progetto di Dipartimento MatMod@TOV, con l'invito di leggerla e a darne massima diffusione:
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Università degli Studi Roma Tor Vergata
Dipartimento di Matematica
Geometry Seminar
Date: 11th February 2025
Schedule: 14:30 Rome Time
Where: Conference Room 1101 "C. D'Antoni"
Speaker: René Schoof - Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
Title: " "
Note:This talk is part of the activity of the MIUR Excellence Department Projects MathMod@TOV, and the PRIN 2022 Moduli Spaces and Birational Geometry and Prin PNRR 2022 Mathematical Primitives for Post Quantum Digital Signatures
Organizing Committee:
Codogni Giulio (Contact Mail)
Lido Guido Maria ( Contact Mail)
Further Information: Click here for geometry webpage
Streaming Link (MS Teams): This seminar will be held in person
Università degli Studi Roma Tor Vergata
Dipartimento di Matematica
Date: 10th February 2025
Schedule: 1 - Rome Time
Where: Conference Room 1101 " C. D'Antoni"
Title: " "
Speaker: Giacomo Greco - Università degli Studi di Roma Tre
In this talk I will introduce a statistical mechanics problem known as the Schrödinger problem, which aims at finding the most likely evolution of a cloud of particles conditionally to initial and final configurations. Starting from this problem I will guide you towards stochastic optimal control, entropic optimal transport and finally generative models. (No prior knowledge of statistical mechanics is required, it might be useful basic knowledge of SDEs, though you might enjoy the talk even without it and with a bit of faith).
Organizing Committee:
Arianna Vicari (mail to contact)
Andrea Pizzi (mail to contact)
Further Info and Program: For information contact to Arianna Vicari or Andrea Pizzi directly by E-mail.
Streaming Link (MS Teams): This seminar will be held in person
Università degli Studi Roma Tor Vergata
Dipartimento di Matematica
Date: 10th February 2025
Schedule: 16:00 - Rome Time
Where: Conference Room 1101 "C. D'Antoni "
Title: " The Rolle models in analysis and geometry "
Speaker: Sergei Yakovenko Weizmann Institute of Science
The Rolle theorem from the first year calculus course asserts that between any two roots of a differential real function of one real variable there must be a root of its variable. This can be translated into an obvious inequality between the number of isolated zeros N(f) of a smooth function and that of its derivative N(f'). I will try to present a number of generalizations of this result for the cases where the straightforward reformulation fails, e.g. for an entire function exp nz -1 which may have plenty of isolated zeros and its derivative n exp nz that is non-vanishing.
These results have numerous applications for the complexity of sets defined by ordinary and Pfaffian differential equations in the real and complex domain. The talk will be a brief survey of many recent results obtained with Gal Binyamini and Dmitry Novikov, largely inspired by Askold Khovanskii.
Organizing Committee:
Filippo Bracci (mail to contact)
Leandro Arosio (mail to contact)
Further Info and Program: COMPLEX ANALYSIS SEMINAR page Click here
Streaming Link (MS Teams): This seminar will be held in person
Università degli Studi Roma Tor Vergata
Dipartimento di Matematica
Date: 11th February 2025
Schedule: 14:30 - Rome Time -
Where: Conference Room "R. Dal Passo "
Title: "Normalised solutions to poly-harmonic equations with Hardy-type potentials via a Nehari-Pohozaev approach "
Speaker: Jacopo Schino - Uniwersytet Warszawski
Schrödinger-type equations model a lot of natural phenomena and their solutions have interesting and important properties. This gives rise to the search for normalised solutions, i.e., when the mass is prescribed.
In this talk, I will exploit a novel variational approach, introduced in the context of autonomous Schrödinger equations, to find a least-energy solution to a problem involving the m-Laplacian and a Hardy-type potential. The growth of the non-linearity is mass-supercritical at infinity and at least mass-critical at the origin.
An important step in this approach is to show that all the solutions satisfy the Pohozaev identity, which in the presence of a Hardy-type potential was previously known only in the spherical case with m = 1.
This talk is based on a joint article with Bartosz Bieganowski and Jaroslaw Mederski, about energy-subcritical non-linearities, and a joint preprint with Bartosz Bieganowski and Olímpio H. Miyagaki, concerning exponential critical non-linear terms in dimension N = 2m.
Nota: Questo seminario fa parte delle attività finanziate dal progetto MIUR Dipartimento d'eccellenza MatMod@TOV (2023-27) CUP E83C23000330006
Note: This talk is part of the activity of the MIUR Excellence Department Project MatMod@TOV (2023-27) CUP E83C23000330006
Organizing Committee:
Riccardo Molle (mail to contact)
Alfonso Sorrentino (mail to contact)
Further Info and Program: Click here
Streaming Link (MS Teams): This seminar will be held in person
Università degli Studi Roma Tor Vergata
Dipartimento di Matematica
Ro.Ma.D.S. - Rome Centre on Mathematics for Modelling and Data ScienceS Seminar
Date: 10 February 2025
Schedule: 14:00 Rome Time
Where: Conference Room 1201 "R. Dal Passo"
Title First Seminar: " Non-monotone phase transition in interacting particle systems"
Speaker: Alexandre Stauffer - King's College London
Title Second Seminar: " Lattice Yang-Mills theory in the large N limit via sums over surfaces "
Speaker: Jacopo Borga - M.I.T.
Abstract talk Stauffer:
In this talk we will discuss a reaction-diffusion particle system which has a non-monotone phase transition. I will explain the techniques used to analyze monotone models and how they can be refined to analyze non-monotone particle systems.
Based on upcoming works with Leandro Chiarini and Tom Finn.
Abstract talk Borga:
Lattice Yang-Mills theories are important models in particle physics. They are defined on the d-dimensional lattice Z^d using a group of matrices of dimension N, and Wilson loop expectations are the fundamental observables of these theories. Recently, Cao, Park, and Sheffield showed that Wilson loop expectations can be expressed as sums over certain embedded bipartite maps of any genus. Building on this novel approach, we prove in the so-called strongly coupled regime:
- A rigorous formula in terms of embedded bipartite planar maps of Wilson loop expectations in the large N limit, in any dimension d.
- An exact computation of Wilson loop expectations in the large N limit, in dimension d=2, for a large family of (simple and non-simple) loops.
Previous results to the two aforementioned points were previously established by Chatterjee (2019) and Basu & Ganguly (2016), respectively. Our results extend these previous results, offer simpler proofs and provide a new perspective on these significant quantities.
This work is a collaboration with Sky Cao and Jasper Shogren-Knaak.
Nota: Questo seminario fa parte delle attività finanziate dal progetto MIUR Dipartimento d'eccellenza MatMod@TOV (2023-27) CUP E83C23000330006
Note: This talk is part of the activity of the MIUR Excellence Department Project MatMod@TOV (2023-27) CUP E83C23000330006
Organizing Committee:
Domenico Marinucci contact Mail
Michele Salvi contact Mail
Stefano Vigogna contact Mail
Further Info and Program: Click here for RoMaDS event Page
Streaming Link (MS Teams):
Click here for Link
Further Info and Program: Click here for RoMaDS event Page
Streaming Link (MS Teams): Link TEAMS Click here for Link
Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Dipartimento di Matematica
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar
Date: Friday 14th February 2024
First Seminar: 14:30 Rome Time
Second Seminar: 16:00 Rome Time - Joint Topology
Where: Conference 1201 - Room Dal Passo
First Seminar 14:30 Rome Time -
Speaker: Andrea GUIDOLIN - University of Southampton
Title: "Complex geometry of the full quantum flag manifold of quantum SU(3)"
The noncommutative differential geometry of quantum flag manifolds has seen rapid growth in recent years, following the remarkable finding of a complex structure for flag manifolds of irreducible type by Heckenberger and Kolb. With a large part of the theory for the irreducible cases already figured out, it is now time to tackle the question of how to obtain the same structure for other types of flag manifolds. In this work in collaboration with R. Ó Buachalla and J. Razzaq, we give a complex structure for the full flag manifold of quantum SU(3), that includes the differential calculus discovered by Ó Buachalla and Somberg as its holomorphic sub-complex.
I shall review this construction that makes use of Lusztig quantum root vectors, while at the same time giving a general overview of the theory of noncommutative differential calculi for quantum homogeneous spaces.
Note: this talk is part of the activity of the MIUR Excellence Department Project MatMod@TOV (CUP E83C23000330006).
Second Seminar 16:00 Rome Time
Speaker: Alessandro Carotenuto - University of Parma
Title: "Algebraic Wasserstein distances and stable homological invariants of data"
Persistent homology, a popular method in Topological Data Analysis, encodes geometric information of data into algebraic objects called persistence modules. Invoking a decomposition theorem, these algebraic objects are usually represented as multisets of points in the plane, called persistence diagrams, which can be fruitfully used in data analysis in combination with statistical or machine learning methods.
Wasserstein distances between persistence diagrams are a common way to compare the outputs of the persistent homology pipeline. In this talk, I will explain how a notion of p-norm for persistence modules leads to an algebraic version of Wasserstein distances which fit into a general framework for producing distances between persistence modules. I will then present stable invariants of persistence modules which depend on Wasserstein distances and can be computed efficiently.
The use of these invariants in a supervised learning context will be illustrated with some examples.
Note: this talk is part of the activity of the MIUR Excellence Department Project MatMod@TOV (CUP E83C23000330006).
Organizing Committee:
Fabio Gavarini (mail to)
Niels Kowalzig (mail to)
Martina Lanini (mail to)
Further Info: Click here for A.R.T.S. Webpage
Streaming Link (MS Teams): This seminar will be held in person
Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Dipartimento di Matematica
PhD Course
Resolution of singularities
Period: 07.11.24 - 20.12.24
Speaker: Prof. Micheal Mc Quillan - Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"
gio. 07/11/24 Common Room h: 14:00-18:00
Ven. 08/11/24 Common Room h: 14:00-18:00
Gio. 14/11/24 Common Room h: 14:00-18:00
Ven. 15/11/24 Common Room h: 14:00-18:00
Gio. 21/11/24 Common Room h: 14:00-18:00
Ven. 22/11/24 Common Room h: 14:00-18:00
Gio. 28/11/24 Common Room h: 14:00-18:00
Ven. 29/11/24 Common Room h: 14:00-18:00
Gio. 05/12/24 Common Room h: 14:00-18:00
Ven. 06/12/24 Common Room h: 14:00-18:00
Gio. 12/12/24 Common Room h: 14:00-18:00
Ven. 13/12/24 Common Room h: 14:00-18:00
Gio. 19/12/24 Common Room h: 14:00-18:00
Ven. 20/12/24 Common Room h: 14:00-18:00
Ven. 10/01/25 Common Room h: 14:00-18:00
Ven. 24/01/25 Common Room h: 14:00-18:00
Gio. 30/01/25 Common Room h: 14:00-18:00
Ven. 31/01/25 Common Room h: 14:00-18:00
Further Information: Click here for Phd Course Page
Streaming Link (MS Teams): This seminar will be held in person
Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Dipartimento di Matematica
PhD Course
Mathematical Modeling of the Human Brain: From Physiology to Neurodegenerative Disorders
Period: 15-22 January 2025
Prof. Nicola Mercuri Univ. Roma "Tor Vergata"
Dott.ssa Caterina Motta Univ. Roma "Tor Vergata"
Prof.ssa Paola Antonietti Politecnico di Milano
Dott. Ivan Fumagalli Politecnico di Milano
- PHD's Program
15/01/2025 - (Prof. Nicola Mercuri - Dott.ssa Caterina Motta) 09:00-13:00 - Room 1201 - "R. Dal Passo"
20/01/2025 - (Prof. Antonietti) 14:00-18:00 - Room 1201 - "R. Dal Passo"
21/01/2025 - (Prof. Antonietti) 09:00-13:00 - Room 1201 - "R. Dal Passo"
22/01/2025 - (Dott. Ivan Fumagalli) 09:00-13:00 - Room 1201 - "R. Dal Passo"
Prof. Nicola Mercuri Univ. Roma "Tor Vergata"
Dott.ssa Caterina Motta Univ. Roma "Tor Vergata"
Prof.ssa Paola Antonietti Politecnico di Milano
Dott. Ivan Fumagalli Politecnico di Milano
- PHD's Program
15/01/2025 - (Prof. Nicola Mercuri - Dott.ssa Caterina Motta) 09:00-13:00 - Room 1201 - "R. Dal Passo"
20/01/2025 - (Prof. Antonietti) 14:00-18:00 - Room 1201 - "R. Dal Passo"
21/01/2025 - (Prof. Antonietti) 09:00-13:00 - Room 1201 - "R. Dal Passo"
22/01/2025 - (Dott. Ivan Fumagalli) 09:00-13:00 - Room 1201 - "R. Dal Passo"