PhD School in Mathematics


Martina Lanini
Carlangelo Liverani
Deputy Director
Luisa Montoro

A short presentation of the PhD School

The main objective of the school is the preparation of highly skilled mathematicians able to work both in Academia and in other private or public institutions using advanced mathematical research. To this end several advanced courses are offered each year, held by the department faculty and by invited scholars, mainly in English. Beside these courses a great number of seminars are organized regularly. The Department provides a very lively and stimulating scientific environment, also being involved in European Training Networks, hosting research centers such at the Center for Mathematics and Theoretical Physics and being part of the organization of several schools such as the Rome-Moscow Schools. The Department has many agreements with foreign institutions or research consortia (for example the European Several Complex Variables Consortium). More activities are organized in collaboration with the other two Rome Mathematics Departments and institutions such as INdAM, the National Institute for Advanced Mathematics, and IAC, the largest institute of Applied Mathematics of the Italian Research Council CNR. PhD students are offered a variety of research options both in pure and applied Mathematics from which to choose their thesis subject. The high scientific quality of the research options at the Department is testified by its constant top ranking in Italian research evaluations, by its hosting several European Research Council grants at every level (starting, consolidator and advanced), and several Italian research grants (PRIN, FIRB and others), and by the invitations of its researchers to top international conferences. Beside the activities in Rome, PhD students are encouraged to spend part of their training at some of the many foreign institutions with which research groups have active collaborations.

Career Opportunities

The main source of career opportunities for the PhD in Mathematics is presently given by work in Academia. An internal survey on recent PhDs shows that more than 80 per cent of them have obtained a post-doctoral position immediately after their PhD. Traditionally, PhD graduates may also obtain qualified jobs in the private sector, ranging from space industries to banks, IT companies, etc.. Another possible career is as a high-school teacher, the PhD program providing a deeper and more aware scientific preparation, with possible scientific work on the subject of school teaching itself.