
The Department of Mathematics of University of Rome Tor Vergata is located in Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1, Rome (Italy).

The Department aims to enhance research, educational and training activities in all areas of Pure and Applied Mathematicsm. Moreover, it actively participates to research evaluation actions, both at national and international levels, in order to advance and promote academic excellence. The Department encourages collaborations, agreements and contracts, both with public and private parties, with the scope of creating opportunities and synergies, beneficial to the development of its research and educational activities. The Department promotes policies and strategies to advance internationalization, including mobility of faculty and students, innovative programs of dual studies, as well as initiatives involving international cooperation at all levels.

Faculty includes leading experts in many different areas of Mathematics, among which: Algebra and Representation theory, Algebraic geometry and Number theory, Mathematical analysis and Differential equations, Differential and Complex geometry, Mathematical physics, Numerical analysis, Operator algebra, Probability and Mathematical statistics.

The Department of Mathematics appears in many top rank lists of research institutes, both Italian (it has been evaluated Excellent in the National ranking VQR 2004-2010) and international (see, e.g., the Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2017 - Mathematics). Within the last National ranking (VQR 2011-2014), the Department of Mathematics got first place among the large Departments of Mathematics in Italy. Moreover, it has been awarded a government grant in the framework of the national program for "Departments of Excellence", ranking first in the panel Mathematics. Over the last years, members of the Department have been awarded 6 ERC (advanced and starting) grants, 4 Marie Curie EU-ITN, 1 FIRB and 1 SIR. The Department of Mathematics houses the "Centre of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics" and the "Italian Society of Celestial Mechanics and Astrodynamics".

Every year the Department awards the “Premio Cuozzo”, sponsored by Mr Vincenzo and Mrs Stefania Cuozzo, which rewards the best Ph.D. Thesis in Mathematics, discussed in an Italian university during the year.

The Department provides a rich and innovative educational offer, which is part of the following academic programs:

For the description of these programs, we refer to the dedicated web-pages.

The Department is involved in numerous outreach activities, carried out both individually by its members and at departmental level, which have contributed, over the years, to strengthen its link with the surrounding geographical area and its population. As a Department, we are involved in the following annual activities: SCIENZAORIENTA (scientific divulgation and popularization, and orientation initiatives to promote scientific study programmes among high school students), MATHEMATICAL OLYMPIADS, activities for the formation and training of teachers, collaborations with local schools, etc.

The Department is actively engaged in the dissemination of Mathematics in many different ways; for example, by video recording and live streaming its seminars and colloquia, and then diffusing these videos on multimedia channels and social networks.

The Department main governing bodies are:

  1. the Department Chair,
  2. the Department Council,
  3. the Executive Committee.

The Department Chair is the legal representative of the Department, presides over the Department Council and the Executive Committee, is responsible for the execution of Department policies.

The Department Council is in charge of planning and managing the Department.

The Executive Committee is an advisory and executive body, and assists the Department Chair in her/his actions.

The Department has established the following standing Committees: Teaching Committee, Research Committee, Planning Committee, I.T. Committee and a Joint Committee Faculty-Students.

The Teaching Committee takes care of planning and coordinating all educational activities, also advancing proposals to the Department Council.

The Research Committee has advisory and monitoring functions concerning the planning and the coordination of the Department's scientific activities.

The Planning Committee is responsible for elaborating the recruitment and development strategy, and assisting the Department in its implementation.

The I.T. Committee deals with the organization, the management and the development of the IT resources belonging to the Department.

The Joint Committee Faculty-Students monitors the offer and the quality of the educational activities, and settle problems between students and faculty.