Publications Expository Papers( some downlodable in gz-compressed postscript format and with abstracts)

  1. Interacting particles, in ``Hard Balls Systems and the Lorentz gas" edit by D.Szasz, Springer series Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, 101, Springer, New York, (2000). Abstract.

  2. Return to equilibrium in classical and quantum systems, in "Long Tine Behaviour of Classical and Quantum Systems" S. Graffi and A. Martinez edts, Series on Concrete and Applicable Mathematics Vol. 1, World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 1-32 (2001) Abstract

  3. Computing the rate of decay of correlations in expanding and hyperbolic systems , Markov Processes and Related Fields, 8, n.2, pp. 155-162 (2002). Abstract

  4. Invariant measures and their properties. A functional analytic point of view, preprint. Abstract

  5. The Martingale approach after Varadhan and Dolpogpyat with Jacopo De Simoi. Preprint. arXiv:1402.0090.

  6. Statistical properties of uniformly hyperbolic maps and transfer operators' spectrum, Notes of courses given in China and Iran. Preprint. Arxiv: 1810.05924