Seminars Slides and notes of few selected Seminars

  1. Convergenza all'equilibrio per sistemi deterministici (about irreversibility in deterministic system--in italian)
  2. Decay of correlations for geodesic flows in negative curvature (On the statistical properties of geodesic flows in negative curvature)
  3. Coupled Markov chains and Coupled Map Lattices (Given in occasion of the seventieths birthdays of Yakov G. Sinai)
  4. Heat equation and Non-equilibrium (Classical) Statistical Mechanics (Plenary talk at the 7th AIMS meeting, Arlington 2008)
  5. Statistical properties of infinite dimensional systems This are the personal notes of the three hours minicourse given at ESI-Vienna during the Programme "Hyperbolical Dynamical systems" (June 16 - 20, 2008). Warning: the notes are full of mistakes and imprecisions, read at your own risk.
  6. Statistical properties of Dynamical Systems. This are personal notes of a six hours minicourse given at Coimbra (July 20-25, 2008). Warning: the notes are full of mistakes, imprecisions and suffer from inconsistent notation, read at your own risk.
  7. Limit theorems for hyperbolic systems (introductory material). This are personal notes for first half of a six hours minicourse (joint with D.Dolgopyat) given at Beijin (August 13-17, 2009). The usual warning applies.
  8. The martingale approach after Varadhan and Dolgopyat. Lecture 1; Lecture 2; Lecture 3. These are slides of a six hours minicourse given at Paris (September 2014) at the conference ``Sochastic and PDE methods in mathematical physics".
  9. First Chernov Memorial Lecture Second Chernov Memorial Lecture Third Chernov Memorial Lecture. These are the slides of the Chernov Memorial Lecures ``Hiperbolic billiards, a personal outlook" held in Penn. State 5-8 October 2017.
  10. Transport in partially hyperbolic fast-slow systems Invited Talk at the Rio ICM 2018 (sections Dynamical Systems and Mathematical Physics).