People and Research interests
- Paolo Salvatore (Full Professor): Homotopy Theory, Configuration Spaces, Spaces of Embeddings, Operads, Factorization Homology.
- Michael McQuillan (Full Professor): Etale homotopy, especially the (etale) 2-type of algebraic spaces, The 3-manifold <-> class field theory dictionary.
- Niels Kowalzig (Tenure-track): (Cyclic) Operads, Cyclic Homology, En-Algebras, BV Algebras, Hopf Algebroids, (Quantum) Groupoids.
- Sara Scaramuccia (Research Fellow): Computational Topology, Topological Data Analysis, Discrete Mathematics.
- Andrea Pizzi (PhD Student): Configuration spaces, Algebraic topology operations, Geometric (Co)Homology, Multisimplicial Objects.
Past Members
- Lorenzo Guerra: Operads, En-Algebras, Hopf Algebras, Group Cohomology, Topology of Coxeter groups.
- Tommaso Rossi: Topology of moduli spaces, Configuration Spaces.
- Andrea Marino: Infinity categories, Goodwillie Calculus, Knot theory, (Co)simplicial objects, Configuration spaces.
- Topology group web page. Here you can find all details about the activities of this research group.